I heard on the news today that Conan is going to pay his entire writing staff's salaries himself just so they can start the show back up.
I just thought "Wow, what an awesome dude!"
Which made me think about how much I love Conan. His show is seriously funny, and some of his sketches just make me want to pee my pants.
When Triumph the Insult Comic Dog interviewed the Star Wars nerds, I thought I was going to have an aneurysm from laughing so hard.
His old "Cable Channels" bit used to slay me, where he would just tune in to all these bizarre channels... classic.
There are so many excellent sketches from his awesome guy. His sense of humor couldn't possibly be any sharper. He's among my favorite celebrities.
Anyways, what do you all think about him? Any good memories from the show?
Do you just mention Triumph The Insult Comic Dog and Robert Smigel?!!! Well, I think I'll remember to recruit Robert Smigel, aka, Triumph The Insult Comic Dog, to voice one of my characters in my Dinosaurs: An Epic Prehistoric Tale movie, Tearak the Troodon. My Character, Tearak the Troodon and my dinosaur movie may be made up, but If I make the movie with Robert Smigel, I hope that dinosaur named Tearak would sound like and have the voice of Mr. Beefy, a character that Robert Smigel has voiced in the 2000 Adam Sandler movie, Little Nicky. Well, Simple is that!