Horny_Toad's Avatar
590 Posts
16 years, 9 months ago
Picture it;

You're 14 years old. You're in love. For whatever reason, you split.

Suddenly, you're in your 30's. Do you think about that past love and think, "I still love her/him".

I don't know if I do. 2 of my ex's were long-term. I think I still have feelings for both, despite not having seen either for well over 10 years.
    Ilikethepixies's Avatar
    5870 Posts
    16 years, 9 months ago
    I love an old flame from my 18-year-old days. If it weren't for the restraining order, we'd be together, I'm positive.
      liukangx's Avatar
      3907 Posts
      16 years, 9 months ago
      ^ :shock: :!:

      i still think about this girl I used to be with

        CACZLAD's Avatar
        78 Posts
        16 years, 9 months ago
        There is this girl i had liked since primary school, we went out for a good long time and had a strong relationship but now were split and i don`t know what i done wrong. I always remember everything we done together everytime i look at her and it is very difficult to cope with.
        I`m back BABY!!
          thecrow174's Avatar
          9986 Posts
          16 years, 9 months ago
          I still think about this girl who I've known since sixth grade.

          Come have the time of YOUR life with me and the gang at Retro-daze.org.
            the-micro-man's Avatar
            3492 Posts
            16 years, 9 months ago
            SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I'M 14 and have never been in love with ANYONE this year! YOU'RE ALL P*SSING ME OFF! :x
              643 Posts
              16 years, 9 months ago
              I don't have as long of a time period between like you do. However, I still do love my first girlfriend from 9th grade. I still wish that one day she'll ask me back out. That's just wishful thinking though.
                adventure_of_link's Avatar
                16 years, 9 months ago
                SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I'M 14 and have never been in love with ANYONE this year! YOU'RE ALL P*SSING ME OFF! :x

                dude calm down, there's other people on the board with the same issue
                  WhenDovesCryyy81's Avatar
                  16 years, 9 months ago
                  Nope, don't love any past loves anymore. Just love my current bf. We've been together almost 4 years.
                  Visit my '80s blog, subscribe, comment, etc -> http://msoldschool.livejournal.com/
                    the-micro-man's Avatar
                    3492 Posts
                    16 years, 9 months ago
                    SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I'M 14 and have never been in love with ANYONE this year! YOU'RE ALL P*SSING ME OFF! :x

                    dude calm down, there's other people on the board with the same issue

                    I know, I wasn't completely serious when I was saying that (specifically the "SHUT UP" part), but I still die a little everytime I hear about people who had girlfriends at age 14...
                      Shaunbadia's Avatar
                      2395 Posts
                      16 years, 9 months ago
                      SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I'M 14 and have never been in love with ANYONE this year! YOU'RE ALL P*SSING ME OFF! :x

                      dude calm down, there's other people on the board with the same issue

                      I know, I wasn't completely serious when I was saying that (specifically the "SHUT UP" part), but I still die a little everytime I hear about people who had girlfriends at age 14...

                      Dude, I've had girlfriends BEFORE the age of 14, it's not that big of a deal.

                        thecrow174's Avatar
                        9986 Posts
                        16 years, 9 months ago
                        SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I'M 14 and have never been in love with ANYONE this year! YOU'RE ALL P*SSING ME OFF! :x

                        dude calm down, there's other people on the board with the same issue

                        I know, I wasn't completely serious when I was saying that (specifically the "SHUT UP" part), but I still die a little everytime I hear about people who had girlfriends at age 14...

                        I had my first girlfriend at the age of 15.

                        Come have the time of YOUR life with me and the gang at Retro-daze.org.
                          rpgman's Avatar
                          375 Posts
                          16 years, 9 months ago
                          ive never had a girlfriend but ive done alot of other things, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww riaght
                          Home of my musical tastes. Always expanding.

                          James Dewitt Yancey AKA J Dilla (February 7, 1974
                            pjb2377's Avatar
                            937 Posts
                            16 years, 9 months ago
                            Still love 'em?? Uhhh hell to the no! That's why they're ex's.
                              agentkev's Avatar
                              819 Posts
                              16 years, 9 months ago
                              I still care about my ex we broke up on good terms... I don't talk to her much anymore but I still care about her I mean I'd never want anything bad to happen to her.
                              nWo 4-Life!

                              Resident Pokemon Advisor :)
                                79987 Posts
                                16 years, 9 months ago
                                me and my ex are still friendds, but when you dated for 4 years, its kind of hard not to be.
                                  Cambion's Avatar
                                  335 Posts
                                  16 years, 9 months ago
                                  I went on my first date at 17, and I dated the guy for a year and a half. Then things turned to shit and I realized that the BF verbally abusing my male friends and threatening them if they spoke to me (among many other things) was not loving - 'twas controlling, but I didn't know that since I was retarded as far as dating. I am friends with my ex, but I harbor absolutely no feelings anymore for him beyond friendship.

                                  A guy whom I had a little fling with my first quarter in college I sometimes still think about. He's a cool person and he meant more to me than just being a guy who kissed me, but he dropped out two years ago and no longer gives me the time of day. Oh well - I have long since gotten over him.
                                    Old_Fart_ess_'s Avatar
                                    310 Posts
                                    16 years, 9 months ago
                                    Oh well - I have long since gotten over him.

                                    Should this be in the sarcasm thread?
                                    F@#kin classy.
                                      Cambion's Avatar
                                      335 Posts
                                      16 years, 9 months ago
                                      Oh well - I have long since gotten over him.

                                      Should this be in the sarcasm thread?

                                      *snicker* I was under him a few times, but I preferred being the seme. :twisted:
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