Okay people, I know a lot of people talked about this, but I'm going to talk about the downfall for the article page.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with today's articles, the downfall is the article page. when you enter the article page, there are three options to choose from: Newest(the most recent to the oldest), Popular(the highest rated ones to the ones with a rating of -3), and Back Page(the articles that have a score of -4 or lower). The problem is the page select, what I mean is that in the past, the page select had all the pages, for example, if you're on page 1, and you want to go to page 25, you can click on 25, and you'd be there, but now, it has a page select of 1, 2, 3, 4, Last, and you'd have to scroll along the pages to find anything. RetroJunk has done everything it has to keep the articles of the past to be seen, and the only way for an article to be seen again is to either be on the back page, be one of the highest rated articles, have a score of -3, be one of the recent articles, or be one of the first article. You can't even search anymore, because it's almost impossible to find anything with that anymore. I hope that RetroJunk makes some adjustments to the site, because these changes aren't that good. Besides, Ren and Stimpy are no longer on the top logo. :cry:
Thanks for listening to my rants, and good night.