16 years, 7 months ago
I believe that aging is avoidable because what I have noticed is that the people who appear to age the most are the people that seem to give up on really living life, not to mention the fact that the government in some countries are silently and secretly sedating people in some types of bussinesses where people work and also in public schools and in public library's. What they do is they place small amounts of some type of gas chemical in the ventillation systems and it is being used to make people weaker and feel more tired. but sometimes they accidentally put too much of the stuff into the ventillation systems and that is when people start to notice it. an example of that would be that everyone in a closed work room all start to cough and sneeze all at the same time, some people in the room may report that their eyes start to feel like they are burning and sometimes people report that they can taste the chemical in the work room shortly after the air conditioning vents start pumping out air at full blast. I know someone that recently worked in a place like this and he told me that just minutes after the vents were turned on his eyes started to get red and itchy, he started to sneeze and cough, and he started to feel more tired.

Anyway besides that, I believe that if a person continues to stay active, eat healthy and keep on using their minds to the fullest extent that they can avoid aging and live longer and much more fullfilling lives.

Does anyone else feel this way?
    2386 Posts
    16 years, 7 months ago
    here we go again... :roll:
      104 Posts
      16 years, 7 months ago

      Is this a serious post?
        16 years, 7 months ago

        Is this a serious post?

        Yes, it is serious.
          104 Posts
          16 years, 7 months ago

          Is this a serious post?

          Yes, it is serious.


          Well then, I guess I agree with you about staying active and eating healthy and all that. The government pumping drugs through the vents in the library? Not so much.
            2386 Posts
            16 years, 7 months ago
            Radiation_Dude is our resident conspiracy theorist. He hops in here and creates nonsensical posts from time to time. Last time he did it he copypasta'd an entire book, then promptly deleted it after I gave him shit for it.
              gumbyman's Avatar
              2008 Posts
              16 years, 7 months ago
              Oh what can i say, your beleifs are your beleifs. I can only tell you what i beleive to be true. I beleive if you change your thinking in life you can change yourself. And as for the conspiricy theories you beleive in i have no clue if those are true are not and frankly its none of my buisness anyway.
                2386 Posts
                16 years, 7 months ago
                Oh what can i say, your beleifs are your beleifs. I can only tell you what i beleive to be true. I beleive if you change your thinking in life you can change yourself. And as for the conspiricy theories you beleive in i have no clue if those are true are not and frankly its none of my buisness anyway.

                way to lay down the diplomacy there.
                  gumbyman's Avatar
                  2008 Posts
                  16 years, 7 months ago
                  Urmmmmmmmm, is that a insult or a compliment nippy? and what does diplomacy mean?
                    2386 Posts
                    16 years, 7 months ago
                      gumbyman's Avatar
                      2008 Posts
                      16 years, 7 months ago
                      Ok nipper im totally confused, please translate what that picture said :?
                        2386 Posts
                        16 years, 7 months ago
                        Ok nipper im totally confused, please translate what that picture said :?

                          NickRules's Avatar
                          4941 Posts
                          16 years, 7 months ago
                          It doesn't take a genius to realize that exercise and eating right will help us to live longer, but its unavoidable that we will all age and die.
                            Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
                            2505 Posts
                            16 years, 7 months ago
                            I think it has to do with genetics, ya you can eat right and work out thats all fine and good but the core of it comes down to genetics, thus why some people choose to take the surgical route for a quick fix on there looks. If you have been to the gym i think you know what iam talking about. Ive run many races in my day and not everyone ages gracefully due to eating right and working out.
                              NickRules's Avatar
                              4941 Posts
                              16 years, 7 months ago
                              Its so weird, my Grandma just turned 75 yesterday and shes been smoking for many many many years, and she doesn't look a day over 60. And my mom is like 42, and shes also been smoking for many many years and she looks like shes in her early 30's. I don't smoke or drink, I wonder how young I will look when im older!
                                the-micro-man's Avatar
                                3492 Posts
                                16 years, 7 months ago
                                You may be on to something here. Kind of like how they STILL haven't found the cure to AIDS or Cancer after so many decades of "research"...
                                  velcrohead's Avatar
                                  580 Posts
                                  16 years, 7 months ago
                                  There is only one way to avoid aging, and that, quite simply, is to die.
                                    79987 Posts
                                    16 years, 7 months ago
                                    I believe that aging is avoidable because what I have noticed is that the people who appear to age the most are the people that seem to give up on really living life, not to mention the fact that the government in some countries are silently and secretly sedating people in some types of bussinesses where people work and also in public schools and in public library's. What they do is they place small amounts of some type of gas chemical in the ventillation systems and it is being used to make people weaker and feel more tired. but sometimes they accidentally put too much of the stuff into the ventillation systems and that is when people start to notice it. an example of that would be that everyone in a closed work room all start to cough and sneeze all at the same time, some people in the room may report that their eyes start to feel like they are burning and sometimes people report that they can taste the chemical in the work room shortly after the air conditioning vents start pumping out air at full blast. I know someone that recently worked in a place like this and he told me that just minutes after the vents were turned on his eyes started to get red and itchy, he started to sneeze and cough, and he started to feel more tired.

                                    Anyway besides that, I believe that if a person continues to stay active, eat healthy and keep on using their minds to the fullest extent that they can avoid aging and live longer and much more fullfilling lives.

                                    Does anyone else feel this way?

                                      outfit's Avatar
                                      899 Posts
                                      16 years, 7 months ago
                                      Sure, if you drink enough alcohol you can preserve yourself for a long time! Pickled people, drink up!
                                        outfit's Avatar
                                        899 Posts
                                        16 years, 7 months ago
                                        You may be on to something here. Kind of like how they STILL haven't found the cure to AIDS or Cancer after so many decades of "research"...

                                        Huh? Do you have any idea how to cure these things or what goes into it? become a research chemist and then complain...sorry.
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