16 years, 7 months ago
    NickRules's Avatar
    4941 Posts
    16 years, 7 months ago
    "High school life"? Life doesn't even begin until after high school. I graduated last year and I don't even remember high school anymore.....I kinda just breezed through it not caring. I had special ed math throughout my whole time in high school....and lower classes for my grade and I didn't care. I sat with the weird nerdy losers that nobody knew or cared about at the lunch table...I had no social life, but I didn't care. Whats so bad about YOUR situation? That your trying to catch up in your computer class? Come on......
      643 Posts
      16 years, 7 months ago
      High school usualy isn't the best time for everyone. Either you have good grades and no life out of school or vice versa. You don't sound like you're doing that bad though. Just wait until you get to college. College is a lot easier than high school (well not the work level, but the class room setting). It's a whole different world so to say. I may be in highschool for most of my day, but I am taking classes at a college for the rest of my high school carrer.

      You'll make it out okay! :)
        NickRules's Avatar
        4941 Posts
        16 years, 7 months ago
        Fuck college, who would want to spend even MORE time in school? lol
        I hate how people automatically assume your going to college once you graduate. I had so many people ask "So what college are you going to?" "....Im not". lol. I didn't even attend my high school graduation.
          643 Posts
          16 years, 7 months ago
          Well I was just saying if they wanted to go. I just personally like it more. I don't think not going is a bad thing if it isn't for you. I was just trying to make them feel better.
            NickRules's Avatar
            4941 Posts
            16 years, 7 months ago
            I never thought much about school....high school was barely any different than middle school for me. I just didn't care about school. I just waited until I got out, and then I did. There was no "best times of my life" and no "worst times of my life". Its weird to me how big a deal some people make outta school...
              643 Posts
              16 years, 7 months ago
              Although I try really hard in school I didn't really like Middle or High school either. I can see why some people really liked High school, but I just don't like it myself. I loved most of elementary school and that was it. The only grade I absolutley hated would be 6th grade.
                MikeKnight1981's Avatar
                16 years, 7 months ago
                College is nothing like school.
                  snkreed99's Avatar
                  139 Posts
                  16 years, 7 months ago
                  I think that you can have a social life and good grades in high school. It is all about how you prioritize(sp?) This trait will also help you in college, which you should go because it will help you get a better job and make more money, but it will also help you in life. As far as being the most popular, if that is what you are trying to be, it is not all it is cracked up to be. Trust me! Most of the people you know in high school will not have much influence on th rest of your life. A wise person once told me, "If you can go thru life with two or three really good friends, you have beat the curve." He meant friends that will come and help you anytime day or night. As far as your studies go, keep up with them and get organized, I can assure you that this will help you catch up and stay there. Now go out there and win one for the Gipper!
                  Are you ready for a report card????
                    584 Posts
                    16 years, 7 months ago
                    Fuck college, who would want to spend even MORE time in school? lol

                    maybe because people actually want to have a good job and a decent life?
                      NickRules's Avatar
                      4941 Posts
                      16 years, 7 months ago
                      Fuck college, who would want to spend even MORE time in school? lol

                      maybe because people actually want to have a good job and a decent life?

                      Nobody says you cant get a good job and have a good life if you don't go to college. Heck, were all gunna die in the end anyways.
                        OMGWTFBBQ's Avatar
                        89 Posts
                        16 years, 7 months ago
                        Fuck college, who would want to spend even MORE time in school? lol
                        I hate how people automatically assume your going to college once you graduate. I had so many people ask "So what college are you going to?" "....Im not". lol. I didn't even attend my high school graduation.

                        Oh jesus christ... Now I know why you're so fucked up.
                          NickRules's Avatar
                          4941 Posts
                          16 years, 7 months ago
                          Fuck college, who would want to spend even MORE time in school? lol
                          I hate how people automatically assume your going to college once you graduate. I had so many people ask "So what college are you going to?" "....Im not". lol. I didn't even attend my high school graduation.

                          Oh jesus christ... Now I know why you're so fucked up.

                          Because I didn't go to college and get wasted? Alright.
                            OMGWTFBBQ's Avatar
                            89 Posts
                            16 years, 7 months ago
                            Fuck college, who would want to spend even MORE time in school? lol

                            maybe because people actually want to have a good job and a decent life?

                            Heck, were all gunna die in the end anyways.


                              NickRules's Avatar
                              4941 Posts
                              16 years, 7 months ago
                              Fuck college, who would want to spend even MORE time in school? lol

                              maybe because people actually want to have a good job and a decent life?

                              Heck, were all gunna die in the end anyways.


                              Again with the pictures.....

                              and that isnt emo, its a fact. We are going to die in the end.
                                SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                                4806 Posts
                                16 years, 7 months ago
                                NickRules: I don't know about you, but I hate being passed over for jobs because I don't have a college degree, even though I have work experience and skill to do the actual job I'm applying for. Employers look at education now-a-days, to narrow down the list of applicants, unless it's for a minimum wage job, and with the price of housing and apartments, minimum wage does not pay rent and utilities. The only people who can probably get away with not having a college degree are probably the older people who didn't go to college when younger and have been working steadily for many many years, so they have loads of work experience backing them up. My mother didn't go to college, but has been doing transcription and word processing since she was 18 or 19 years old. She's always had an easy time finding jobs (she got laid off a lot) because she had years of experience. A young person starting out in this time doesn't necessarily have that luxury.

                                Depending on the field of work you want to get into, learning a trade can compensate, but I don't see how, in this day in time, how you can get a decent paying job without some form of education. Not necessarily college, but some type of schooling after high school, unless you're lucky enough to be in a family where the family owns the business and you get a job handed to you.
                                  NickRules's Avatar
                                  4941 Posts
                                  16 years, 7 months ago
                                  NickRules: I don't know about you, but I hate being passed over for jobs because I don't have a college degree, even though I have work experience and skill to do the actual job I'm applying for. Employers look at education now-a-days, to narrow down the list of applicants, unless it's for a minimum wage job, and with the price of housing and apartments, minimum wage does not pay rent and utilities. The only people who can probably get away with not having a college degree are probably the older people who didn't go to college when younger and have been working steadily for many many years, so they have loads of work experience backing them up. A young person starting out doesn't necessarily have that luxury.

                                  Depending on the field of work you want to get into, learning a trade can compensate, but I don't see how, in this day in time, how you can get a decent paying job without some form of education. Not necessarily college, but some type of schooling after high school, unless you're lucky enough to be in a family where the family owns the business and you get a job handed to you.

                                  Neither of my parents went to college, and they both have really good jobs. My fiance didn't go to college, and he is self employed as a computer programmer/software engineer, and he is in the process of starting up his own security software company. You don't need a college degree to get a good job. You just need to have skillz. I mean, sure, you need a college degree if you want to be something like a lawyer or a doctor.....but not everyone wants a job like that.

                                  Actually only 1 person in my entire family went to college, and see ended up a pregnant crackhead, no joke lol.
                                    Alyssa_Branen's Avatar
                                    2220 Posts
                                    16 years, 7 months ago
                                    Don't worry to much about having wasted highschool because you had a hard time with the social part of it. I had only two really close friends the entire time as I have social anxiety and sometimes freeze up in social situations. I don't know what it is like to have Autism but I have known a person or two that have had Aspergers(I beleive that is a FORM of Austism but not sure) and they had a hard time sometimes in social situations. Anyway, highschool is just that, highschool. You will find that once you graduate, all those little cliches and popular crowds will melt away, and we're all on our own and move on to focus on our own lives. In the "real" world we're all thrown out as equals, no matter how popular you were. Because popular in highschool isn't going to do a thing for you on a resume, it's going to be how hard you work and how you present yourself.

                                    Sometimes I think that my highschool years were lame because I didn't go to parties, went to the prom with no date, was to shy to go out for clubs and teams and what not. But in reality, everyone else is right, for alot of people highschool was not the best years of their lives. I'm still waiting for mine LOL 2003 was a good year for me but only the last part.
                                      SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                                      4806 Posts
                                      16 years, 7 months ago
                                      Neither of my parents went to college, and they both have really good jobs.
                                      Back when your parents and my parents were young, it wasn't a necessity to go. Now, for most jobs, you need to have some type of schooling or either a degree.
                                      My fiance didn't go to college, and he is self employed as a computer programmer/software engineer, and he is in the process of starting up his own security software company.
                                      And how did he get the money to do so?
                                      You don't need a college degree to get a good job. You just need to have skillz. I mean, sure, you need a college degree if you want to be something like a lawyer or a doctor.....but not eveyone wants a job like that.
                                      You'd be surprised as to how many places have it as a requirement that you have a minimum of an Associates Degree (2-year). Like I said, I have skill and experience in the jobs I've applied for, but, no degree, so I get looked over for the job for someone who has the degree. It's a way to filter out applicants, which means less work for them when it comes to interviewing.
                                        SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                                        4806 Posts
                                        16 years, 7 months ago
                                        Sometimes I think that my highschool years were lame because I didn't go to parties, went to the prom with no date, was to shy to go out for clubs and teams and what not. But in reality, everyone else is right, for alot of people highschool was not the best years of their lives. I'm still waiting for mine LOL 2003 was a good year for me but only the last part.
                                        At least you went to your prom. I didn't even bother. I did join clubs, though, since I was planning on going to college, but it didn't really do much for me. I still couldn't get into any school that I wanted to go to.

                                        I didn't date in high school either...mainly because I wasn't interested in the guys at my school, and of course, I'd never initiate anything like that.
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