seriously though, in your opinion what is the best nightmare on elm street and what is your favorite scene. Mine is obiously number 3 especially the "Welcome to prime time bitch!" part. Sorry if this is in the wrong thread.
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Who gives a F**K what you think?
seriously though, in your opinion what is the best nightmare on elm street and what is your favorite scene. Mine is obiously number 3 especially the "Welcome to prime time bitch!" part. Sorry if this is in the wrong thread.
Number 2 always creeped me out because of the school bus scenes. We had alot of sub bus drivers that would always drive by my house the first tme and then I would be alone with him after he had dropped everyone else off until we got back to my house.
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Number 3 and number 1 would be second.
Number 2 always creeped me out because of the school bus scenes. We had alot of sub bus drivers that would always drive by my house the first tme and then I would be alone with him after he had dropped everyone else off until we got back to my house.
Number 2 always creeped me out because of the school bus scenes. We had alot of sub bus drivers that would always drive by my house the first tme and then I would be alone with him after he had dropped everyone else off until we got back to my house.
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Number 3 and number 1 would be second.
Number 2 always creeped me out because of the school bus scenes. We had alot of sub bus drivers that would always drive by my house the first tme and then I would be alone with him after he had dropped everyone else off until we got back to my house.
Quote O' Matic
Thug:"I got a message for you from Vincent Ludwig.
[Shoots gun at Drebin]"
Thug:"Take this you son of a bitch!"
Frank:"I can't hear you! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!"