RetroBen81's Avatar
713 Posts
16 years, 3 months ago

I happened to check out Dr. Demko's Original Longevity Death Calculator, and in studying all the 55 questions it wanted me to answer in regards to how long I may live (in terms of race, country, parents who lived to be 85 years or older, etc.), I answered them all and I found out that my current habits may prevent me from living to be 45 years old.

Check it out at

My projected year of death: 2026
My estimated life expectancy: 44 (+6 months)

"I am such a purist for old information on anything '70s and '80s."
    NickRules's Avatar
    4941 Posts
    16 years, 3 months ago
    Ugh, well I would have lived until my late 80's, until I fucked a question up and couldn't undo it in Calc. Too many questions!
      the-micro-man's Avatar
      3492 Posts
      16 years, 3 months ago
      3 years old... 3 YEARS OLD! Bullshit.

      I should have died 12 years ago, apparently. Well, I'm still alive and the healthiest person in my family. This thing isn't accurate. Maybe because I'm 15 and I can't honestly answer EVERYTHING, but a score of 3 is spot-on ridiculous.
        greatmemories90's Avatar
        16 years, 3 months ago
        I'm going to live to be 60. i hardly doubt this is true. hello? im only 13, and i obviously can't answer some of these questions! but i guess it's pretty good for 13.
        If i'm too young, maybe you're too old :wink:
          outfit's Avatar
          899 Posts
          16 years, 3 months ago
          I have no intention of dying so this can't apply to me...but very interesting..,!
            79987 Posts
            16 years, 3 months ago
            65 years old, but I intend to defy the odds.
              NickRules's Avatar
              4941 Posts
              16 years, 3 months ago
              Really? how did you guys get such low scores? I was going to live until my late 80's early 90's until they asked a stupid question near the end and I had to stop because I messed up. And I answered "no" to all the doctor visits, and exercising questions.
                NickRules's Avatar
                4941 Posts
                16 years, 3 months ago
                Well I re-did the test and did it right this time, it says i'll live to be 85. Boo.
                  Maklu_IV's Avatar
                  747 Posts
                  16 years, 3 months ago
                  Whoa, I got 90.

                  It says to answer all 55 questions, yet 4 of them are gender-biased. That makes sense... :roll:

                  n00b, (noob), noun informal: A person who does not know how to fully be a douchebag like yourself.
                    RetroBen81's Avatar
                    713 Posts
                    16 years, 3 months ago
                    Excuse me... with the addition of my paternal great-grandmothers representing my dad's side of my family - both also lived past 85 - that means my projected age of death will be 48. My age of death would also be extended to 50 years as I am a Christian.
                    "I am such a purist for old information on anything '70s and '80s."
                      gumbyman's Avatar
                      2008 Posts
                      16 years, 3 months ago
                      these test dont prove a thing :lol:
                        Mr_Retro92's Avatar
                        849 Posts
                        16 years, 3 months ago
                        I got - 16, what does that mean?
                        The Gang

                          We_Are_Siamese's Avatar
                          16 years, 3 months ago
                          3 years old... 3 YEARS OLD! Bullshit.

                          I should have died 12 years ago, apparently. Well, I'm still alive and the healthiest person in my family. This thing isn't accurate. Maybe because I'm 15 and I can't honestly answer EVERYTHING, but a score of 3 is spot-on ridiculous.

                          Maybe you're already dead.
                          We are Siamese if you please.
                          We are Siamese if you don't please.
                            We_Are_Siamese's Avatar
                            16 years, 3 months ago
                            Mine's 91. God, I hope I don't live that long...
                            We are Siamese if you please.
                            We are Siamese if you don't please.
                              CHANCE_SUNDANCE's Avatar
                              16 years, 3 months ago
                              I"ll pass on this one ...

                              *It"S only for mortals anyway ;) *
                                animefan123's Avatar
                                809 Posts
                                16 years, 3 months ago
                                Eh. I will live intill Im 70?
                                =50 ways to describe Happiness=

                                2/50: Happiness Is telling a Joke and people find It funny 1/30/10

                                Drew: Where's your mother?
                                Angelica: She's in the shower. She says she has to wash away the stench
                                  misspiggy's Avatar
                                  1442 Posts
                                  16 years, 3 months ago
                                  I will be living to negative 14.
                                  Is that bad?
                                    vintagefantasy's Avatar
                                    1041 Posts
                                    16 years, 3 months ago
                                    I don't put my faith into those or fortune cookies or fortune tellers. And things like tarot cards
                                    that only bring bad news.

                                    This machine only seem to predict bad news. I am sick of bad news, you see on channel news and in daily news papers why do I want more.

                                    It's not that I am not curious, I mean would wouldn't be. But do I really want to find that I will die in two days and spend two days being paranoid or spend two days enjoying myself.

                                    I would rather blissfully put my life in the hands of fate and when ever the good lord calls me up so be it.

                                    Can u picture that - Th
                                      the-micro-man's Avatar
                                      3492 Posts
                                      16 years, 3 months ago
                                      3 years old... 3 YEARS OLD! Bullshit.

                                      I should have died 12 years ago, apparently. Well, I'm still alive and the healthiest person in my family. This thing isn't accurate. Maybe because I'm 15 and I can't honestly answer EVERYTHING, but a score of 3 is spot-on ridiculous.

                                      Maybe you're already dead.

                                      I must be in Hell, then. :lol:
                                        misspiggy's Avatar
                                        1442 Posts
                                        16 years, 3 months ago
                                        Wait, did anyone else score a negative?
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