eddstarr88's Avatar
6987 Posts
16 years ago
Did "Ford Fairlane" kill Andrew Dice Clay?
If not, does anyone know what he's up to lately?

Big shout out to MtLaStella. Excellent article on Andrew Dice Clay.
The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
    Maklu_IV's Avatar
    747 Posts
    16 years ago
    Dice does stand-up in Vegas and appears on the Howard Stern Show sometimes.

    n00b, (noob), noun informal: A person who does not know how to fully be a douchebag like yourself.
      eddstarr88's Avatar
      6987 Posts
      16 years ago
      So the Diceman did not retire. Has Andrew's act been through the PC wash cycle?
      The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
        Ravage's Avatar
        436 Posts
        16 years ago
        The big problem he's having IMO is that he hasn't changed ANY over the last 25 years. He still wears the same cloths he wore back in 1986, and tells the same old jokes. I wouldn't mind hearing some new stuff from him....if that ever happens.
          eddstarr88's Avatar
          6987 Posts
          16 years ago
          Woah, that's not good. So the Diceman is a "one trick" pony.
          If he is serious about a career, the key is to be Creative.
          The Eldorado is dead. Long live the Eldorado.
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