Kermit the Frog:"Uh, Thank You, Thank You. Welcome to a very moment of The Muppet Show. I am very sorry but I have some bad news to tell you."
Waldorf:"I think it made at last."
Statler:"Or maybe the show has been canceled."
Kermit the Frog:".... The show has been canceled tonight. Well, You see. I just misread my a calender. You see, Tonight we are doing audition for new acts. You are welcome to see it. But I don't think there will be any excitements."
Statler:"Should we stay or should we go?"
Waldorf:"I don't know."
Kermit the Frog:"(To Statler and Waldorf) Why don't take a night off? (To the viewers) So, We are very sorry, So good night, everyone. (Audience Groan for disappointment and left the theatre)."