Princess Leia Organa:"Governor Tarkin. I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board."
Grand Moff Tarkin:"Charming to the last. You don't know how hard I found it, signing the order to terminate your life."
Princess Leia Organa:"(sarcastically) I'm surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself."
Grand Moff Tarkin:"Princess Leia, before your execution, I would like you to be my guest at a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now."
Princess Leia Organa:"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."
Grand Moff Tarkin:"Not after we demonstrate the power of this station. In a way, you have determined the choice of the planet that will be destroyed first. Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Rebel base, I have chosen to test this station's destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan."
Princess Leia Organa:"(shocked) No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can't possibly...!"
Grand Moff Tarkin:"You would prefer another target? A military target? Then name the system! (stepping closer to Leia and pinning her against Darth Vader) I grow tired of asking this, so it will be the last time. Where is the Rebel base?"
Princess Leia Organa:"(looks at Alderaan for a moment, then, resigned) Dantooine. They're on Dantooine."
Grand Moff Tarkin:"There. You see, Lord Vader? She can be reasonable. (to assistant) Continue with the operation. You may fire when ready."
Princess Leia Organa:"(panicked) What?!"
Grand Moff Tarkin:"You are far too trusting. Dantooine is too remote to make an effective demonstration, but don't worry. We will deal with your Rebel friends soon enough."