Two-Minute Warning
Release: November 12, 1976

A mad sniper is causing havoc during a championship football game, and authorities have to stop him.

Steve: "He's a hell of a charmer. Just make sure his hair doesn't fall in your drink."
Added By: Clint_Olson
Lucy: "Are you a doctor?"
Al: "Yeah, how'd you know?"
Lucy: "Dirty shoes and clean white hands."
Al: "A lot of guys have clean hands."
Lucy: "But not that clean. It must have taken you ten years at least to get them that clean."
Al: "What are you, a commercial or what?"
Added By: Clint_Olson
Mr. Green: "You listen. I just hope you pick the right team today, Stu, because if I don't get that 28 G's in my pocket before sundown, you're going to take another trip out the window. And next time, nobody holds the ankles. You got it?"
Added By: Clint_Olson
Janet: "I was on the same plane as you. I couldn't help but notice how attractive you are. You know you have a very beautiful mouth?"
Steve: "Yeah, so do you, but it's big. You go away, lady, or I'll call a cop."
Janet: "I am a cop."
Steve: "Well, then kiss me, I'm crazy about cops."
Added By: Clint_Olson
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