Debut: January 01, 1999
Ended: January 01, 2002

Based off of the book series by Brian Jacques, Redwall follows the story of Redwall Abbey and the young mouse Matthias. The Abbey is a peaceful place, until Cluny the Scourge shows up and becomes intent on destroying it. Matthias finds the fate of the beseiged Abbey in his hands - or paws, as it were - as he is guided by the spirit of the abbey's old hero and protector, Martin the Warrior. Along with friends Cornflower the doormouse, Basil the hare, Constance the Badger, the Sparra warriors, and many more, Matthias must unearth the cryptic secrets of the Abbey before it falls into the hands of Cluny and his army of rats, weasles and other vermin. The second season of the show follows the story of Matthias's son, Mattimeo. Slagar the Fox has kidnapped many of the abbey's young ones, and Matthias, Basil, and the others set off to bring them back before it's too late! Mattimeo and his young friends try their best to hang in there, and escape if they can. Meanwhile, with the Abbey's fighters gone, the raven Ironbeak plans to take over Redwall for his flock, leaving the protection of the abbey up to old friends Constance, Father Abbot, Ambrose Spike, Cornflower and the Moles. They hold out as best they can, but can they keep the ravens out until their warriors return?

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