Tommy & Oscar
Debut: January 01, 1999
Ended: January 01, 2004

Professor Leonard is the greatest inventor of all time, he manages to create the most amazing gadgets for his nephew Tommy. With these inventions, young Tommy becomes a 007-like superhero who protects the world from an unscrupulous businessman, Caesar. Professor Leonard takes off to all corners of the world with Tommy and his alien friend Oscar. They must thwart the cunning plans of Caesar, who is bent on becoming the world’s richest man. His money-making business ventures are evil schemes to line his pockets without considering the disastrous consequences on the others or the environment. Our heroes have teamed up with Yukari, the karate-girl, and Peter, a talented musician. They have animals to save, forests to protect, and mysteries to unravel. Life is never dull for Tommy & Oscar! This action-packed adventure series is full of suspense, breathtaking chases, and non-stop comedy. This show first released in Italy in 1999 and to other countries. But this show never released in the United States. Tubi TV now has English Version of Tommy and Oscar.

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