An Inconvenient Truth...Or Convenient Fiction?
Release: April 12, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth...Or Convenient Fiction? is an American documentary film by Steven F. Hayward, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, who set to address what he observed as inconsistencies in the film An Inconvenient Truth. The fifty-minute movie was described as a "point-by-point PowerPoint rebuttal" of the Al Gore film An Inconvenient Truth. In his presentation, Hayward agrees with many of the points and issues covered by the Gore film, but shares how certain information may have been slanted by what he terms "global warming extremists," in order to create a darker image of the future. According to Hayward, "I agree that we’re warming, and I agree that we’re playing a role in it. What I disagree with is [Gore's] overall pessimism."

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