Stealing Home
Release: January 01, 1988

Down-and-out amateur baseball player Billy Wyatt (Mark Harmon) recieves a letter one day that informs him of the passing of a very important person in his life. That person was a woman named Katie Chandler (Jodie Foster). From Billy's young days, he was in love with her. They had many great times together, but Katie was a troubled young woman. Coming home means not only receiving Katie's ashes (She had said in her will that Billy would know what to do with them), but also coming to terms with the events of his past. This is a very underrated drama with good performances (Harold Ramis does a great dramatic turn as Billy's friend Alan), wonderful cinematography, great locations and the heart-wrenchingly beautiful ballad "And When She Danced" by David Foster and Marilyn Martin. I would recommend seeing it, and it doesn't matter whether it's on VHS or DVD. Both have the same transfer, the DVD having come out back in the days when Warner Home Video didn't give a damn about their titles.

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