Woman:"[first; v/o] It's my anorexic boss' birthday. This means there's a certain amount of inter-office pressure to stand around the conference table, eating crappy food and pretending to worship her. Acting for 5 minutes like Janice doesn't make all our lives miserable is the hardest work I'll do all day. "
[⋯]:"My job title is account manager. I used to be called an account service representative, but a consultant told us we have to manage our clients, and to not service them. I have a girlfriend who I neither manage or service. That's my best friend Barry fucking her on an Ikea kitchen table I picked up for a really good price. I'm finding it hard to care about anything these days."
[⋯]:"In fact, the only thing I do care about is the fact that I can't care about anything. Seriously, it worries me. My name is Wesley Gibson. My dad walked out on my mom when I was 7 days old. Sometimes, I wonder if he ever looked into my baby blue eyes and asked himself 'did I just father the most insignificant asshole of the twenty-first century'?"