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Quote O' Matic
3rd Executive:"[while having lunch with Professor Monroe in Central Park] You must admit, it's exceptional footage. I - I didn't expect such impact, such authenticity!"
Professor Harold Monroe:"I don't know. I don't think exceptional's the right word."
3rd Executive:"You don't?"
Professor Harold Monroe:"No. I mean, what's exceptional about a primitive tribe like the Yacumo being... terrorized, and forced into doing something they don't... they don't normally do?"
3rd Executive:"Come on, Professor! Let's be realistic. Who knows anything about the Yacumo civilization? Today, people want sensationalism. The more you rape their senses, the happier they are."
Professor Harold Monroe:"Ah, yes, that's typical Western thought. Civilised, isn't it? That's what Alan thought and that's why he's dead. The Yacumo Indian is a primitive, and he has to be respected as such. You know, did you ever think of the Yacumo point of view, that we might be the ones who are savages?"
3rd Executive:"[chuckles] Well, I've never thought of it that way; but it's an interesting idea."
Professor Harold Monroe:"Yes. Let's say things were reversed, right? And the Yacumo attacked your house, defiled everything that you held holy. You know that pig that was killed? That was food for those people. Now, what'd happen if somebody went to your house when you were hungry, and... and took a little bit of food that you had in the refrigerator, and threw it down the toilet? Would you behave in a civilised way? [the Executive ponders this for some time] Would you like people to make money off your misery?"