Snow White:"[last lines; Snow White has been seated upon a white horse by the Prince, and as the dwarfs crowd around, he lifts each of them up so that she may kiss them farewell on the forehead; Bashful is lifted up]
Good-bye. [she kisses Bashful, and his blush turns his face red]"
Snow White:"[Grumpy is hoisted up, grinning] Good-bye, Grumpy. [as he is lowered down, he blows her a kiss back] Good-bye. [Doc, Sneezy, and Happy are lifted up next, and she kisses them one by one; Dopey is the last one lifted up, and before she kisses him, he wipes his mouth] Oh, Dopey. [she takes him by the ears, and kisses him on the top of his head]"
Snow White:"[as the Prince leads the horse off, Snow White blows the dwarfs and animals one last kiss] Good-bye! [the Prince and Snow White go to the edge of a cliff, and look out into the sky, where the setting sun transforms the clouds into a beautiful castle]"
Chorus:"Some day when spring is here / We'll find our love anew / And the birds will sing / And wedding bells will ring / Some day when my dreams / Come true. [the story book from the beginning of the film reappears, with the words "... and they lived happily ever after." printed in it. The book slowly closes, as the Chorus sings and wedding bells toll]"