The Christmas That Almost Wasn't
Release: November 23, 1966

Santa Claus acquires the services of a kindly but struggling lawyer "Sam Whipple"(Paul Tripp)to help him pay off his large rent bill to his mean and vindictive landlord..Rich miser"Phinease T.Prune" (Rosano Brazzi). "Wonderama"host:Sonny Fox also appears in the film as turn of the century dept. store owner"Mr.Prim"and in his last film role Comic/character actor:Mischa Aurer plays Santa's bookkeeper and supervisor of the toy making workshop "Jonathan". A perrinal yultide favorite..the movie has been seen many times in the theaters and on cable tv since 1966. This is Paul Tripp's and Sonny Fox' only on screen appearance in a movie.

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